Thursday, 30 June 2011

Surreal experiences in my life - Vol. 2

Here I am again! With another weird day in the life of Benjamin Michael Potts.

Well then, today I was invited out to town by a mate, just so she could have someone to talk to and not feel like a loner whilst she went into a number of women's shops with some friends and bought absolutely nothing.

Anyways, this post is about the bus journey on the way there. Now, I've always had a bit of a phobia of getting on unfamiliar busses (except my old school bus), because I think I'll somehow lose all my money, or trip over some 15 year old's baby's push-chair, or even just get shouted at by the driver for no reason. But this time I was prepared, or so I thought.

Firstly what weirded me out before I even got on the bus, was some freaky guy standing at the bus stop, looking down the road, with his legs apart like some kind of superhero wannabe. I really wanted to tell him how stupid he looked but I'm just not that evil...heh...

When I got on the bus, there were hardly any seats. My only choices were next to some old lady, or next to a prrretty normal looking guy. It was quite clear that he was foreign, and he just wouldn't stop talking, in what sounded like arabic. It sounded like he was actually having an argument with himself. The only two words I could possibly make out, that I assumed may have been English, were "Racist" and "Panini". I was literally praying that he wouldn't try to talk to me, or wasn't talking about me, as I could see from the corner of my eye that he was looking at me several times...

To make everything worse, it was like baby city on that damn bus. There must've been like 3 young mums with push-chairs (one with twins), with all the babies screaming and hitting things and staring at me...

Then, I had quite a shock, when a rather tall, old looking black man with a beard came on the bus. At first I thought he was wearing some nylon turban, but then with further analysis, I'd realized he literally had a rucksack...on his..head... I took the hint to stop staring at it when they guy had glanced at me so many times, that I think both of us knew it was getting awkward, and therefore stopped doing it. (Oh my goodness I used the word "therefore" in a sentence. I'm a literary god)

Then the bus crisis was over, I got up, almost tripped, and miraculously made it off the bus.

PHEW! That was a close one!

Anyways, sorry, I forgot about doing a drink concoction, (and I know I always say this :D) but I'll try and do one tomorrow, I have a fabbo idea ;)

Well then,


Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Martin Luke Brown - Jealousy & Alter Ego

Check this awesome guy out Martin Luke Brown, the talented singer/songwriter from Leicester who I have the absolute pleasure to know, who has recently been on BBC Radio Leicester, Nottingham, Derby and Lincolnshire performing two of his tracks, "Jealousy" and "Alter Ego". And heeeeeere they are! Enjoy! I certainly did!! :D
This dude is seriously going places :)

Yeah, haven't done a proper post in a while...sorry. Am dying to do another drink concoction this week, I've got nothing else to do in the day so I thought, why not tomorrow! Stay tuned!!

Monday, 20 June 2011

If Silent Hill Were Real

*ATTENTION! YOU WILL ONLY GET THIS VIDEO FOR IT'S HILARITY IF YOU'VE EVER PLAYED A SILENT HILL GAME (MOSTLY AND ESPECIALLY SILENT HILL 2)* Also, apologies for the bad acting, bad American accents, lack of fog, and the fact that James Sunderland now has brown hair and is slightly shorter...

Made this video ages ago but kept forgetting to flippin upload it!

Apart from that, enjoy!! :D

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Things that annoy me about Emo's

Hello there again. Haven't done one of these in yonks!

Anyways, lovely annoyance this time, Emo's.

Ok, so firstly, I had a confession to make, I have a few Emo friends who I like to talk to occasionally when they're not too downright depressed (alliteration, oh yes). And I have a few of them on Facebook, so it really pees me off when they're constantly posting status' and tweeting about how much they hate life and it hates them...seriously, no-one actually cares...
And in the words of Sum 41: Don't tweet your issue. Use a tissue.

Secondly, the majority of them just make us feel depressed being around them. It's like they're emitting a black forcefield of pessimism and whenever someone goes near it, they get converted into a sad fool who likes to cut themselves in certain places...with implements of a certain sharpness...yeah.

Thirdly, the hair, it just looks gay ok. If I were a severely depressed man, I wouldn't change my hair to cover my eyes and occasionally flick it to the side to make people think I'm a mysterious person who doesn't care about the world therefore making me cool. Every time I see an Emo do that, I just crack up.

Fourthly, the fact that you occupy dark alleyways that normal people would actually like to pass through to get somewhere fast. Please find somewhere else to smoke and list everything you hate about the world amongst your fellow Emo friends. Why not hang out on the dual carriageway whilst dodging traffic, should be fun.

Aaaand that's about it from moi.

If you're an Emo and feel like I've offended you or I'm stereotyping (Which I'm prrretty sure I'm not...heh) then keep this in mind. I spelt all the words "Emo" with a capital "E". Happy?!

Roight, have a good week everyone, and that means you try to too emo's (whoops)



Saturday, 11 June 2011

Old 2010 Videos

Well, here they all are, complete with Youtube descriptions :D

The first proper video I made in 2010 when I got back into video making. A parody of The National Accident Helpline advert, but without that weird woman with the utter fringe fail...

My second video of 2010 I made with my brother. FYI: This isn't an environmental statement, it was just to show how extreme some of these environmental groups were getting...

There weren't actually many, I was just bored one week and decided to make this.

My third video I made with my mate Mitchell. Promoting our new (now defunct due to legal reasons) product, Anti-Stain!

My blooper video for Anti-Stain.

A random video I made one day whilst bored, but I kept it in the advert style.

The worst fighting video in the history...of bad fighting videos...I think people didn't like this one as much because the punch sounds were "inaccurate". But I think it's just because people couldn't tell the difference between a punch, and a miss sound.

My fail video featuring the great Jamie Woodside failing at life. FYI: It was 15 ways to fail but I'd miscalculated my script and couldn't be bothered to change the
Enjoy! :D

My bloopers and "extra bits" video for 14WTF

My Christmas video I made for my Facebook group about young Pete Slapper, on a search for a Christmas present for his wife.

Friday, 10 June 2011


Well, as many of you may or may not know. I made a series of videos in 2010 that I uploaded to my Facebook group. This is when I started making proper, and decent videos. Now I've closed the group, sending this final farewell message to all the members:

Message to all members. I'm about to cancel the Ben Potts Videos group as all my videos are on Youtube now and are going to continue being posted on my blog, so I just want to say thanks for joining, and stay tuned @


So now I'm in the process of re-uploading them to my other Youtube account that I've been using for this blog, and will post them A.S.A.P! :D

See ya!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Ball Hunt!

A video I recorded in year 9 (2009) when I'd walked part of the way to school to then find out it was cancelled due to snow...IN FEBRUARY!! Anyways, I went home to walk my dog, and thought I'd take my camera out to see if I could film anything interesting, and I made this. Enjoy!