Monday 14 November 2011

Charlie The Tortoise

Hey guys, sorry I haven't actually posted anything on here in a while. I was actually in the process of writing a post (that's still in my drafts now) last week but it never got finished. I WILL FINISH IT! Plus there are some newspaper doodles in my bag just crying out to be posted up too, so I'll try and get them on at some point. Anyways, I finished my random tortoise story, it is! Enjoy :)

Charlie the tortoise travelled down the school path one day, minding his own business, and staying alert in case of potential 'nappers. Until suddenly! An obnoxious school bell shrieked right through poor little Charlie's ears. A faint rumble could be heard in the distance, and almost immediately a herd a rowdy children raced up the school path. Charlie didn't have any idea what to do, so he quickly hid in his shell, and waited. The children all ran past Charlie, until a stray foot kicked him straight into the air. The little tortoise was in great panic, as the uncomfortable wind whooshed throughout his sanctuary. After a few minutes he gathered the courage to poke his head out, and he found himself upside down on top of an off-license roof. With all the strength he had in his tiny body, he started performing his back roll that he'd practiced many times before for such an occasion as this. He continued rolling, and rolling, and rolling, until he managed to pick up enough momentum to roll onto his side, then back upright again. Charlie let out a little sigh of relief and started walking along the roof. Without even a chance to think, his world suddenly went black.

He'd fallen down a small hole, and into the building beneath. Charlie landed with a loud thud, onto a desk, on which were a stack of out of date newspapers, 35p cans of energy drink (also out of date), and a pair of angry man's hands in the process of clenching. The mean looking man stared down at little Charlie as if he was plotting to do something evil. He grabbed him and started for the window, bowling him out of it. The tortoise yet again found himself soaring through the air not knowing where he would end up next. He crashed onto a smooth metal surface and remained frozen for a while as a rushing wind met his face. After about 10 minutes or so, the surface Charlie had found himself on appeared to be the roof of a lorry. It was backing up, and the high pitched bleeping gave him a huge fright, forcing him to pop out of his shell and rush off the side. Charlie had fallen into a small cardboard box, that was then picked up by a man and taken through a door. He poked his head out through a little hole in the box. He was in some sort of supermarket, aisles stretching as far as his eyes could see. The box suddenly hit the ground with a great thump, and the side ripped open. Charlie inched out cautiously, taking in his surroundings.

The nervous tortoise waddled down the frozen food aisle. His little body shivered as the cold breeze from the freezers crept inside his shell and chilled him right down to the bone. Suddenly, a rather large child raced up to him and plucked him from the ground. A huge sense of dread rushed through poor Charlie's mind and he was swung around through the air. An equally large woman then started approaching, and snatched him out of the boy's hands.
"Put that down Horacio! It has GERMS on it!"
She then chucked him into a nearby wall. Charlie was feeling very week...and didn't think he could go on. He once again looked around to see where he could hide out, and spotted a lift of the adjacent wall. The tortoise took another attempt at walking over the long distance without getting seen, but was assisted by yet another stray foot and was kicked straight in. The lift happened to be going up, so Charlie waited anxiously for what may be meeting him at the top. Seconds past and after every one, he grew a little bit more nervous. The lift had finally reached it's destination, and the doors started opening. He walked out, and found himself, on the roof. He let out a small sigh of relief as he ventured across to a small hole, in which he could make refuge. Charlie was now safe from the world.

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