Monday 14 May 2012

Meeting new people and How I feel about "in-jokes"

(I am using the compose tab instead of Edit HTML because it looks a bit more like Word and I know where the Bold, Italic, and Underline things are.)

Sorry, haven't posted in a couple weeks... Alone In The Dark 5 ended quite crappishly and I spent most of the time crying over the fact that I'd spent 5 quid on it...

Anyways, nothing new in my life at the moment. I have no work to do so I spent today watching The Mitchell and Webb Situation and re-recording voices for Sammy The Cat (yeah...)

But this isn't just an "Is my life on-track" post, it is an actual proper post.

So last weekend I went to a mate's house for the day, then later I was invited into her friend's enormous flipping mansion of a home and offered a tea...which I had to just accept because the family were just so excessively nice. 

Now I have this thing where when I learn a basic fact in like a second, I WILL forget it within the next 10-15 minutes or so. So this can get rather frustrating when trying to remember people's names, minutes after they've introduced their self. This is exactly what happened whilst I was here, so when I left I had to stealthily mumble "What's her name?" to my friend, which she couldn't understand, so I had to mumble it again and accidentally made eye contact with another person so it looked like I was secretly saying things about them, leaving us both probably feeling a bit awkward. Also, it doesn't help when my ears sometimes decide to malfunction as someone is talking to me so all I hear is "Hello, I'm flgyusgfhfsh, and you are?"

So when I got back, I was in my sort of surveillance mode, where I just look around the room and often listen to other people's conversations. When someone begun talking and I had no idea what they were on about, until someone laughed, and I realised in my mind "Ohhh, it's an in-joke". Now, when people start in-joking, I feel a massive sense of leftoutedness, and I try to pretend I know what they're talking about, and just when I think I've understood the story, and the joke, they'll add another bit like "and then the satsuma's will go sour" or "but just make sure his head doesn't pop off, ahahahaa", which leaves me feeling "whuh?"

So yeah, that's that. At this point you probably have no idea what I'm talking about now.

Oh well.

Anyways, I need sleep now. I've literally been writing this post on and off all day...

Oh, and I probably won't be using, the bold, italic, and underline functions again. Effort.



  1. 2 things.. 1) use Windows Live writer.. it makes blogging really easy.. 2) stop being paranoid :)

  2. Firstly, is WLW actually better than the Blogger post editor? :L and secondly, I'm afraid I can't stop my paranoid awkwardness...pray for me please... :L
