Monday 18 June 2012

Post 2

We're almost two thirds through the month and I've only done two posts...

I've hit an all time low...posting...
(Don't worry I've not developed some kind of harmful addiction)

But this is the least I've ever posted over the past two months, plus I've not even done a video...

I might awkwardly get a paper off the metro man tomorrow to doodle in for a post.

If you're wondering why it's awkward now, basically when I started college I used to get them every day, then hardly read them, and they'd just accumulate in my bag all week, so I just stopped getting them off the guy, but he always expected me to go to him, so now I have to sort of walk a certain number of feet away from him to avoid contact.

So yeah, that and, I might do a drink concoction SOONAGE, tomorrow maybe/hopefully also.

Also, I HAVE been working on my sci-fi epic (not...epic, but you get me), and I'm writing yet another script...that will be easier to film this time as it doesn't require a massive warehouse or New York City or anything.

I hope I can have that done before the end of this month actually, but I have a couple of video projects on already, both college and other so that might be quite hard.

Right, gotta go now and sleep, I've been feeling so drowsy lately I hate it.

So see you whenever!

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