Monday 22 August 2011

Tour guides

Ok, so tour guides, I just can't bear being around them, let alone having to endure their endless shrill voices, as they talk about absolute uninteresting crap whilst having to walk around some boring cave, or get crushed by other tourists on a tour bus. Here are a couple of my worst encounters with them.

Once when I was rather young, I wasn't that hateful against tour guides. So I went on a cave tour with my mum and brother, rather looking forward to it, and trying to stay out of the guide's way incase he did get really annoying, when, whilst minding my own business, he just came out with "...and don't forget guys, I'm in charge", whilst staring RIGHT at me! Which I immediately took as a massive threat. A few people then laughed at me, causing me to keep my head down for the rest of the tour...from this day forward, I swore vendetta against all tour guides...Hah, not really, but it did make me start to dislike them.

Next up, was a couple of years ago, whilst on a tour bus, somewhere...I had the great fortune to be on one with the most annoying tour guide know to man, who this time, was a woman. So firstly, I was on a cramped seat (luckily on the top deck), when suddenly, she starts singing some stupid song that she expects us all to appreciate, but instead we all started giving each other really awkward looks. So I just continued eating sweets and drowning out her annoying voice with my iPod.

Fun times..

Anyways, I'm watching Doctor Who whilst writing this so I'd like to revert all my attention to that now.

So yeah. Have a good week guys!


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