Monday 19 September 2011

How to cope with jerks

Hi blog, yes, I've been slapping myself repeatedly for not doing a blog post in ages, and the truth is, I've just had nothing good enough to write about. But I've now realised, that I actually do, as this is something I have great experience in, having to deal with it my whole life.

Bit of a change of tone this time, but I feel it's about time for an odd post like this.

So, yesh, here we go then, the "jerkus idiotus", found everywhere you go, school, work, Sainsbury's, etc. My advice is, just find out who they are, and steer clear of them. Thankfully there aren't any in my at college media group, but secondary school was full of them. I just did the same, stayed away. But if I found myself ever forced to work with them in a group, I'd just talk to them about the work, and nothing else, because I found that steering into other subjects, always ended up with them taking the mickey bliss.

If all else fails, (and I know some of you will just call me a total wimp about this but) just tell a higher authority, like a school counselor. Never try and "start on them", because that always ends in utter fecal matter (Sorry for that mental image), but ye get ma drift. Stay Away Stay Safe, there, some mnemonic I made up just now :)

Anyways, hope this helped anyone with this problem.

Will be posting again soon!

See ya!!

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