Sunday 26 February 2012

Here's one for you... *Insert Jon Tickle voice*

I've realized something quite recently.

I think most of my social life has just been made up of utter crap conversation...

You're probably now thinking, well that's just you Ben, you're an anti-social person.

But no.

We all basically spend more of our lives talking crap nothingness to keep up conversation, than actually talking about decent things...

I texted this to a friend saturday evening, moments after having this epiphany, to which they just replied, "Oh well."

It's boggled my mind for a while now. Why do we do this? Do we just not have the brain power to continually think of interesting things to talk about?

I reckon we do this to avoid the dreaded...awkward silence...

Since realizing this, I've cut out these moments of blabbering rubbish in certain conversation, and just stayed silent to see what happens.

Absolutely nothing happens.

It was just me, and this person, sitting in awkward silence (Even though I had so many ways to keep the conversation going, through the means of talking crap).

I didn't want to eventually lead to saying this, but are all of our conversations with friends just "talky things that are made bearable by just talking said crap"?

Quite possibly.

Which leads me to this. What the hell are friends?! Just people we have things in common with at first, then are just there to have crap conversations with?

I think I've lost where I was now.

Anyway, I know that was very depressing, but now I've think I've taken out all mine.


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