Monday 19 December 2011

More awkwardness...Yay!

Hello there Mr. Blog, my goodness I am doing a good job of keeping you up to date now aren't I. Give me a gosh darn medal (Censoring myself incase a child somehow stumbles across this horrible blog). So yeah, as the title hints (a bit), I have more awkwardness and various other hilarious things to share.

So tonight I went to my best mate's school performance to see her sing some songs solo and with her band, and she is absolutely flipping amazing! Go listen! ( and as soon as I'd entered the door I was greeted with, "you've gotta sit with my parents." at which I replied with a mild "Oh" whilst thinking in my head "Oh s**t oh s**t oh s**t..." cause I've basically only properly met them like once or twice... So I just sat there thinking of things to talk about that weren't about the free peanuts on the table or the appalling state of the toilets...

Sidenote - You know how I put an unhealthy amount of brackets in my last post, I think I may end up putting a lot of ellipsis' (...'s if you're stupid, oops! brackets creeping in there!) in this one...

So yeah, that was fun, then the show started, I then got up half way through a performance and got stared at by some fool on another table, to go and purchase a 15p coke (barg) and a 15p packet o' crips (Intentional spelling of the word "crips" there, it's cool, k?), and had a minor awkward chuckle with the refreshments woman at the fact that she didn't know if she'd given me the right amount of change (She did). I then went back to be treated to a "show-stopping!" (In joke) performance of Ain't No Mountain High Enough...

Afterwards I spent some not-so-awkward "bro-time" with her boyfriend (which he doesn't like to be referred to as but I don't know if they approve of their names being put on here incase some weirdo-internet-murderer tries to track them down...If you do approve of your names being put on here do let me know...gosh they were some long brackets, go away), attached is a video of me skipping merrily through the streets that he took when we got bored...

Now, as you may or may not have noticed, Jake mentioned his name in the video, I only just noticed/realized this when I was playing it back on Youtube, so yeah, there we have it. Also, he re-created a fake bike crash at the end of the video for dramatic effect. I felt quite moved when I watched it back.

Also, at one point that night I really needed to relieve myself of a pressured bladder, so was recommended a bush on a fence, and had to endure that awkward moment when someone is standing near you whilst you go and you realize they can hear those awkward splashing sounds, so I screamed at him to stop listening and he started ringing his bike bell to drown out the sound, phew!

Anyway, I don't think I actually have much else to say now that I've exhausted all that awkwardness and compressed it into this post.

OH! And before I forget, at some point I'll be having guest posters soon, starting with my good friend Jake Rowland (mentioned above), so look forward to that!

And also, more video news. Basically right, I've slacked off a bit, and have decided to upload the video on the 24th, also because it'd be more fitting to the story to upload it then. So make sure you watch it!! I'll be advertising it everywhere! Tell your friends, your family, your pets, that creepy man next door.

So yeah, that's about it from moi.

Have a good rest of week peeps!


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