Saturday 17 December 2011

My busy life...

Hey guys, not written anything in a while, sorry. Been pretty busy with lots of things, been working on my Christmas video quite a bit, been out a lot, and the obvious, college. So not had much time to post on my blog. But anyways, all is well, video's looking good, I'm not dying (thankfully), and life is generally ok. Went into town today with my best mate and her boyfriend to do some last last minute Christmas shopping and picked up Doom (the film) for a quid from CEX.

Ok, so it started off pretty darn well, then it got a bit slow towards the middle and I was starting to get a bit disappointed as Sky Movies had said on the cover it was "Probably the best video game to movie transition ever", but then the 5 and a half minute first person shooter bit with Karl Urban kicking the absolute crap out of everyone seriously made up for the poor acting (by other actors - obvs not Karl Urban or The Rock), and the weak-in-parts storyline, cause that's what Doom's all about really, shooting things :L

Anyway, off that now, don't want this post to turn into a film review.

Also, I have another truly awkward moment to share, that I've picked from many over the past month...

Basically, RIGHT, I was coming back from my best mate's (Yes, it was the same one, but I'm not gonna resort to saying bezzie or bestie, it's a bit no) boyfriend's school performance via the Arriva bus, (which by the way is so weird going on since I've spent my whole bus life on big busses, plus the drivers are massive chavs and it's like the company just hire people who can drive and don't give them any manners training. Sorry, this is a lot of brackets isn't it...) and when I got to the station I had a bit of time to kill before my other bus so I popped to the toilet and spent a bit of time in there, when suddenly the bloody light went out! and it was literally pitch black. I couldn't actually see my own hand in front of my face. So I took my phone out and had to torch my way out (not the burny kind of torch, the light one, I wasn't prepared to burn down the station to get out...sorry, again, the brackets...), so after about almost 10 minutes of wafting my phone around, I'd located the sinks and the light just flickered back on again. With a sigh of relief an old man walked in giving me a weird look as I was still holding my phone in the air like I was at some Bob Dylan concert. So I just awkwardly washed my hands and walked out, awkwardly...then awkwardly got on the bus and walked awkwardly the rest of the awkward way home...awkward... :/

So yeah, that's been one of the many awkward highlights of the month.. I hope to be bringing you more soon.

Right, I need to go procrastinate some more and watch DVD's.

Have a good rest of weekend guys!

See ya!!

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